• Sunrise At: 6:52 AM
  • Sunset At: 6:17 PM

Service Details

Funeral And Community Services

Muslims to Achieve Spiritual Goals

Funeral And Community Services



Rah-E-Haq-Foundation provides assistance with Funeral services. Here are the contacts who can help you with setting up Funeral Services:

Contact info:


In the unfortunate event of death of a family member or friend, Rah-E-Haq-Foundation  provides complete Islamic funeral arrangements including:

  • Ghusl (washing) before burial.

What to do before imminent death?Family members of the dying person and their most pious friends should be present at their side to help turn the final thoughts to Allah, reminding him or her of all the good deeds they did, about Allah’s mercy, and Allah’s favors. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Let no Muslim die except expecting and hoping the best from Allah” (Muslim).Family members and friends can advise the dying person very gently (encouragement without insistence) to say the shahada: “La Illaha illallah”, which means there is no God but Allah, in a very kind and sincere manner as these may be their last words. Abu Saeed Al-Khuduri reported that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Help Muslims who are dying to say “La Illaha illallah” (Muslim).

Family members should make Dua (supplication) to Allah to help make the final moments easy, and to forgive them.

Rules of the RAH E HAQ Foundation         

*Everything through this trust will be done in accordance with the shariat of Mohammed (S.A.WS)

*All the servants in this trust will not be Compensate in anyway.

Our Services

1.Struggling in various fields of service to the people on a humanitarian basis, transcending sect and religion.

2.Providing relief to those effected on humanitarian grounds in the event of an earthquake, storm, flood, or any sudden calamity.

3.Free shroud, Free bath, Free burial arrangement for deserving people.

4.Medicines etc.. for deserving people.

5.In addition , if another form of deserving person comes to help which we have not done, then it will be helped by consulting everyone.

6.Establishing reform councils for the betterment of Muslims.


Rah-e-Haq Foundation School 
for men and women

Overview of the training curriculum
1. Qur’an 2
2. Beliefs (Beliefs in words)
3. Worship (method of purification, ablution and prayers)
4- Hadiths
5. Sira and Islamic information (important information in the form of questions and answers about Sira-e-Din and Sahaba Ikram
6. Ethics and manners.


The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said,
The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid
(warrior) who fights for Allah’s Cause, or like him
who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day.”
Sahih Bukhari, Book 64, No. 265

Rasool-Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said
It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim
in his time of need than I stay secluded (perform aitkaf) in this
masjid (Masjid e Nabwi) for a month.

RasoolAllah sallallahu alaihi wasallam Whoever washed a dead person and keep
his faults secret, Allah will hide his sins on the day of resurrection
and the one who shrouds a believer Allah subhanahu will provide
him a fine silk to wear on the day of resurrection

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